Pax Deorum Project – Who We Are

Pax Deorum Project is a movement to save human diversity and the ecosystem we depend on for life. Our goal is to raise awareness of the dual threat of global communism and global capitalism and the hidden hand that controls them both. We wish to return to a world of localism, ancestral pride, and respect for the land that sustains us by dismantling globalist systems and replacing them with community building and fair trade for mutual benefit. Controlled communism has perverted the natural urge to support other members of your community, using it to erase the local bonds that create a community and replace them with centrally controlled institutions. Controlled capitalism has perverted the natural urge to cultivate the produce given to us by mother earth and make fair exchanges with other workers, replacing a meritocratic market with corporations and central banks that encourage overconsumption and overproduction at the planet’s expense. Our goal is to help people escape from these centrally controlled systems of economic and ecological exploitation by building local community ties, teaching people to be productive, sustainable, and self sufficient, and building networks of people who are freeing themselves from the system that poisons and exploits us. We support many kinds of local communities, including those whose community is bonded by family ties, ethnic heritage (of all races), culture, religion, and ideology. We support autonomous communities and autonomous families of many stripes, provided they stand against globalism and the elite cabal that wants to rule us all at any cost, even the health of the planet we live on.

We are looking for people who want to get involved. Here are some of the ways you can help.

Plant a garden, get some backyard birds for eggs, learn a useful trade, and exchange those goods and services with your friends and neighbors. Separate your economic activity from the global system however you can.

Participate in community building events. Help out kin, neighbors, and supporters of anti-globalist movements. If you are religious, help other members of your religious community. Join a club where you can meet people with similar beliefs and interests.

Every small step you can take to reduce your ecological burden and dependence on the globalist economy, such as walking or biking to the store instead of driving, or not upgrading your phone for a few years, is a step in the right direction.

Support traditional and natural living over consumerism and artificial products. Support health and sport over sloth and degeneracy. Find a productive job where you get exercise and learn a useful trade, rather than sitting at a desk or standing behind a counter all day.

Spread the word. Share our videos, print our flyers (please leave them in legal locations), and tell the people you share your produce with.

Email for access to our telegram group and an invitation to voicechat meetings.

Together we can defeat the globalist parasites, return control of the land to its local stewards, and secure the survival of our ecosystems and ethnic heritages.

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